I’m linking up with the fabulous one & only Cara from the First Grade Parade! This is a very popular post from last summer when we did a Daily 5 book study. Hope you get some ideas friends!
Here some of my tutoring students playing Candy Land. We tutor 2 days a week in the morning & this gives my lower students an opportunity to play my lower level games. |
I added math games that I will be adding to my new math stations this year. Last year we were required to do a 90 minute literacy block….that is why I developed this product. This year we are required to have a 60 minute math block. Hopefully the kids don’t have to use the bathroom or go to the nurse because there will be no time for that nonsense (insert sarcasm).
These are just blocks from the $ store & they made words with them (Real & Nonsense).
One side would be real words & the other side are nonsense words.
I had to take this pic! One of my little nuggets came up to me & said….”I swear I didn’t do it on purpose!” Me: “Give me a sec I want to take a picture of this”…..him “Please don’t put this on the blog!” I have a classroom blog! He said his mom will recognize his arm! I miss him!
Here are a ton of bingo games, mostly from Lakeshore that they played once a week depending on the skills we were working on.
The red tub on the left is where I store my Scott Foresman sight words sticks. Check those out here. I put all 80 spelling & HFW’s per unit. I used a different color for each story & printed then out on labels (Avery 8167) & just stuck them on popsicle sticks & placed them in a recycled Crystal Light container. Very easy for the kids to use & put back during word work. The green lily pads have sight words on them. They place these around the room & “hop” on them as they say the sight words. The popcorn container is something I got through Scholastic or Highlights…I think. I also made a set of football & baseball sight words to use during word work. They LOVE all these games! Here are some of the games in action! |
These are also from Lakeshore! The kids really loved making words with these!
I basically have every set of these Lakeshore quiz show games. They also have digital games now as well. Check them out here.
This is a digital version of a Working with Words game from Lakeshore. They have games for vocab, grammar, reading, word work, & phonics! Check them out here! I have them all!
I spent so much time printing, cutting & laminating this year! I also put out seasonal centers once a week. My favorite centers come from the ladies at Made for 1st Grade. Check out their store here. I store all my centers below. I actually have to switch to bigger drawers since I was such a psycho buying centers on TPT. Seriously….I bought so many! I have a sickness I tell you!
NEXT, is my “game organization”. I make games & I have also purchased MANY from Kathy @ First Grade Ala Carte…her games are AWESOME! Anywho, I was going slightly INSANE with all the games I purchased & made so I needed some kind of organization because my bins from above were EXPLODING & I had no more room for anything! At our school we have started to tutor..ugh…& a half of my grade level coworkers tutor in my room so I needed to get all this stuff organized so that we could easily pull it out of a drawer, bin, shelf etc. with ease…..2.5 seconds after we walk in the door! So this is what I came up with…..
I found this for $10 last summer at a garage sale! Be jealous. This is where I store some of my materials for Word Work.
Click on the pic for your freebie!
When they use the “stamp-it” sheets they just grab a stamp pad & stamps & do their thing. This can be used for weekly spelling words, vocab, seasonal, amazing or sight words. |
Stop drooling! I love school supplies like I know all of you do. My students love the choices they have with all of these school supplies to rainbow write. There are thin & thick markers, crayons, glittery crayons, colored pencils, highlighters, gel pens, smelly markers & those pens with the funky tops
I know…HOLY CUTENESS! Here is how it goes….the boy in the grey sweatshirt is “it”. The children starting with the cutie pie in the blue shirt spell the word on his headband & he has to guess his word. If he guesses he picks the next person to be “it” & then they spell their word. After everyone gets done then WITHOUT looking they flip their card over & start over until it’s time for a new card. Great way to review or learn new sight words on a weekly basis…don’t ya think?!!?
Click on the Pinterest button above & follow my Daily 5 & Daily 5 book study boards!
Loved rereading this post! I am starting Daily 5 in my kinder classroom this year so I am trying to blogabsorb (yes I made up that word) all the knowledge I can! I am (hopefully) blogging about my year as we go to hopefully keep me more accountable and on my toes! Thanks for all the fabulous ideas!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am giddy with all of this! Would love to see you in action. Can you give me run down of how all of this works schedule (daily/weekly) wise? tracy.cook@cover.k12.sc.us
Sorry for the typo of my email. It is tracy.cook@clover.k12.sc.us. Can't wait to get my first of many games from you (I just out about 30 of them on my wishlist for my 2nd graders…lol).
I really enjoyed reading about your word work and how you organize all of it! I do many of the same activities in my kindergarten classroom. Your Candy Land games are a HUGE hit with the kiddos during literacy and math groups. They also beg to play them during rainy day recesses! 🙂 Thank you for making a product that is so easy for children to use independently!!
Oh my! I am so jealous of your amazing WW centers. I have been doing Daily 5 for 5 years(off and on due to lack of principal support for a few of those years), but I really stink at WW centers. I was in 5th grade for most of those years and struggled to make fun activities that were not to easy for them. But now that I'm in 3rd and we have adopted a better phonics program, I have so many more words to pull from. I would love to set up some of your ideas in my classroom! I'm headed out to buy shower curtains ASAP!
Liz @herbertsteacherhelpers.blogspot.com
Email: liz.herbert.183 @ gmail.com
Wow! Love all the word work ideas! ilovekdgt@gmail.com
Polka Dot Kinders
Holy CandyLand Batman!! I love all of these ideas. I started D5 last August and was a bit overwhelmed but I bent it to my classroom. I'm always looking for good word work ideas.
You Might Be a First Grader….
Love all of your goodies! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing all of your fabulous word work ideas! I just launched my blog today. I would love it if you would stop by and let me know what you think. Thanks!
Teaching with Giggles
WOW! I have STRUGGLED with centers for years. I just cant figure out how to make them work. I am going to save this post so I can refer to it as I set up my new room
I pinned this post so I can read it when I had lots of time! It was well worth the wait. Lots of valuable information shared here. Thanks Mel!
Teaching With Love and Laughter
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