OH.MY.WORD What a relief it was to finally get these done. They have been a work in progress & many have waited a LONG time for this next set. My students are L.O.V.I.N.G these new coupons! They love the fact that they had so much input on each & every one of these. I also interviewed previous students who are now in upper elementary on coupons they would want. I have no clue what those old kids like…ha!
Before you ask…. here is what this intrinsic classroom management reward system is all about & what is included………….
My Reward Coupons Set 1 is my BEST SELLER! And they are also one of the top sellers on TPT. They are so popular in my school and others that the demand for more was my motivation to get these done before this school year ended. Well, my little nuggets behavior was my BIGGEST motivation…something had to be done…& quick!
This is by far the BEST behavior modification I have ever done! I got rid of the treasure box and give these reward coupons instead. This intrinsic reward system is extremely popular in our elementary school! The students have to earn the coupons. There are 65 different coupons to choose from! Trust me your students will be over the moon excited about these! I blogged about it here and chat about how I implement this system here.
Coupons included in Set 2:
My Tunes: Listen to your IPod. This can be used with a cd player as well. I let me students bring them from home.
Line Jumper: Pick your place in line. I let me students go where they want instead of their assigned line placement.
Laugh Out Loud: Get a chance to make the class giggle. My little comedians love this! I give them about 1 minute to make us laugh at the end of our day.
Lunch Date: Pick a friend to eat lunch with the teacher. I have the kiddos eat with me in the classroom when they give this to me. This is one of the special coupons I set aside.
Rise and Shine: Morning message helper. They love helping. This was requested by them. It helps me out while I’m busy running around in the morning.
Movie Time: Bring a movie for us to watch. We usually have a movie on Fridays & it saves me a trip to the movie store!
Munchies: Eat my snack whenever I want. I personally don’t do snacks in my room. I let them pick this coupon in order to bring a snack.
Partner Picker: Pick your own partner. I usually assign partners…they love being able to pick.
Pointy!: Be the classroom pointer. They love all my different pointers. This gives them a chance to touch them.
Popcorn Day: Our PTO makes the school popcorn several times a month. When a student gives me the coupon I will purchase the popcorn for them or we will make it in school.
Recess Buds: Pick a friend to stay indoors for recess. My students prefer being indoors for recess especially hanging out with me. This is one of my special coupons I put aside.
Recess King: Be the 1st boy to pick a recess game. They fight over games constantly. This eliminates that problem.
Recess Queen: Same as above.
Recess Time: Get an extra 5 minutes of recess.
Recess with me: Stay in for recess with me. They love this. I usually let them play games on my phone or play smart board games.
Recorder: Write on the white board for the teacher. My students love to write on our smart board.
Skipper: Skip a classroom assignment. I have to agree with the assignment skipped.
Sleepover: Take a stuffed animal for a sleepover.
Snack Attack: Bring in a snack for the whole class. Since I only allow treats for birthdays they love being able to bring in a treat for their friends.
Space Invader: Go up to the teacher without permission. I always have little space invaders who want to follow me around. They are not allowed to get out of their seat unless they have permission or have this coupon.
Sparkle Teacher: We play the spelling game sparkle before our spelling test. They love taking over for me.
Spelling Bee: Give the spelling test.
Stinky Feet: No shoes in class.
Study Buddy: Work with a partner. They always want to work together…they love this one!
Substitute: Be the substitute while your teacher is busy. This comes in handy when I’m testing.
Teacher Toys: Borrow one of the teacher’s toys. IDK about you but the kids love anything of mine & like to touch everything on my desk. This allows them to borrow one of my toys.
Furry Friend: Borrow the teacher’s furry friend.
Teacher’s Pet: Be by the teacher. These are for those little space invaders that follow me around.
Tech Assistant: Assist the teacher with technology. The students help with mouse clicks, passing out laptops. Helping other students with the computer.
Techy Teacher: Assist the teacher with technology for a lesson. I personally use this during the tech center during Daily 5.
Time Keeper: Be the time keeper for the day. I let me students carry around the timer during stations.
Trouble Tracker: Manage our behavior chart. My students monitor our clip chart when someone drops a clip. They make sure they color their behavior calendar the correct color. The put the clips back up at the end of the day.
We’ve Got Talent: Group talent show. This is a classroom favorite. I let them put on a 1-3 minute talent show while we are waiting for the bus.
Cool Shades: Wear sunglasses in class.
Word Work Wizard: Choose our word work activity. They love this & usually pick one of my Candy Land games.
1st Table: Be the first table called. I have desks but they are still at tables. They loved being called first especially for story time or recess.
Recess: Bring in a board game for recess.
Borrower: Borrow a classroom item. They borrow pens, games, journals, etc.
Brain Break: Pick our brain breaks for the day. I go straight to my brain break Pinterest board here.
Buddy Read Aloud: Read aloud to the class with a buddy.
Center Cop: Make sure your group doesn’t break the rules. They love this! They feel like they are the boss of applesauce. And boy do they love tattling.
Chill Out: Take a 5 minute break. They need a break here and there. I wish I can have this one!
Read to Us: Choose the teacher read aloud.
Class Stamper; stamp papers for the teacher. They LOVE using my stamps & this helps me out!
I’m a Leader: Classroom leader of the day. They can lead the pledge, lead us reading, lead the line, etc.
Clean My Desk: Teacher cleans your desk. This is one of those special coupons I put aside.
Costume Caper: Wear a costume to school. They love this & the attention they get.
Daily 5: Pick 1st for Daily 5. My class gets called one at a time to choose. They love getting called first when they really want a certain center.
Dance Party: Let’s have a dance party. I will put on a Just Dance video from You Tube or they bring a CD & we dance around for a brain break or at the end of the day. This also gives them dibs on the cd player during indoor recess.
Doodle Time: doodle when I’m done. I will let them use my special supplies and doodle in their notebooks.
Doodle Fun: Doodle on the dry-erase board. They get to use my fun neon dry erase markers.
Double Center Time: double your center time. I love when they are really into writing or word work and want to stay.
Double Fuzzy Day: double your fuzzies for the day. My students use these when they plan on taking a large amount of AR tests.
Eat Outdoors: eat outdoors with your teacher. They love eating outside!
Put me to work: Extra job for the day. They BEG me for extra classroom jobs. They just love helping me out.
I Love to Read: Extra reading time. My students have a love for reading & always sigh when I tell them to put their book bins away.
Extra Tech Time: Students get extra time on the computers or Ipads.
Feeling Crafty: Make a craft project and show it off. My students love crafts. They can use your craft supplies or make them at home.
Front Row: Sit in the front row all day. This can be used during carpet time or story time.
Game Boy or Girl: Pick a game for us to play. I have a TON of smartboard games & they love to pick.
Get our of jail: Take your recess back. This is given to me when I take away a recess.
Classroom Grader: Help the teacher grade papers. They feel so special when they get to grade their classmates papers. I only allow this for morning work.
Help Wanted: Pick your classroom job. I have 20 different classroom jobs and they love being able to choose. They have their favorites.
Hubba Bubba: Chew gum in class.
Pillow Pet: Bring a pillow from home. They usually bring a pillow pet or those bright light pillows.
Now here is some FREEBIE coupons (not included in either set) for you to try out with your little nuggets. Enjoy & let me know what you think! Click on any coupon to grab your freebie! Peace!
The first 5 stalkers that leave their email will get the new set for FREE! Don’t forget to leave your email. I will be on the road tomorrow so I will email you Sunday evening or Monday.
Yay! Love these coupons! bethquarles (at) gmail.com
I would LOVE this set! I have been eyeing it fOR so long!!!!
Sparkles, Smiles, and Successful Students
I would love to try it in my class…
Too cute!
Cathy I.
Would love them.
LOVE! ilovekdgt@gmail.com
Polka Dot Kinders
Well, I am not in the first 5 – but thanks for the freebies. Over the year I have been trying to "rid" myself of my treasure box goodies, not the box (given to me by a student who found in her grandmother's house after her grandmother had passed away). So now I think I will replace the goodies with coupons. Just in case you change your mind about the first five—e.ball58@yahoo.com
A fellow Seuss lover,
This is FANTASTIC!! Oh how I WISH I had something like this when I was teaching!! So creative and much cheaper than the treasure box! Maybe I can implement this in at Moffatt Elementary 🙂 LOVE!!
Oh, darn! I wish I were in the first five!! Thanks for the freebies!
THis is great! I love these ideas – thanks for blogging about them 🙂
Mindful Rambles
I absolutely love your reward coupons! and of course my students love them too, I'm headed over to TpT to get the new ones right now!!! and I'm a follower 🙂
These are fantastic! I'm sure they will become a best seller fast! Thanks!
Thank you for creating another set. My students love warm fuzzy exchange for coupons. This will totally excite them with additional options.
Thank you for creating another set. My students love warm fuzzy exchange for coupons. This will totally excite them with additional options.
Not in first 5 but LOVE these!!
can you please tell me how many fuzzies the students has to turn in to pick a coupon?
I LOVE these. They really were a game changer in my class. I especially love how it teaches them how to count money. We just started our money unit and they were already pros because they've been counting tickets all year long! Thanks!
Mrs. James’ Jungle
Keep up the good work andplease tell me when can you publish more articles or where can I read more on the subject?
The article you have shared here very good. This is really interesting information for me. Thanks for sharing!
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Your blog is great. I read a lot of interesting things from it. Thank you very much for sharing. Hope you will update more news in the future.
This is the first time I have seen these! The idea is supertabulous!!! I would love to get the set by winning it. Thank you for the opportunity.
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