Here is a pic of two file folder centers I ordered. If you’ve been following my blog you know I’m big on organization & Daily 5 stations. These are PERFECTO & saved me some ink for once. These are also used during RTI, interventions & and tutoring.
In the morning during Daily 5 I place my word work file folders inside this file organization chart. I replace these in the afternoon with math file folders!
MPM has been gracious enough to offer the first 25 orders to receive a 15% discounts! I will control myself & not use it just so my readers get the discount! What teacher doesn’t just LOVE a discount! Use the link below to take advantage of this awesome discount!
I found interactive video for indoor recess on pinterest. When I found it, it brings me to your site (which I LOVE by the way). I have searched and cant find it. Do you have a link for it or know the date posted? Could you email it or post as a comment on my blog?
Great information, I will tweet to my friends to get them to check it out. keep it up. Thanks for sharing!.If have a long time than visit to:
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