First of all let me tell you…. I am so green! I have been into recycling & eco-friendly items for years. I have turned my 1st grade team into recyclers as well! I guess they were sick of me giving them the stink eye if I saw them throw a pop can in the garbage.
I do a HUGE Earth Day unit for the WHOLE month of April. With all the blog stalking I do I was able to get loads of goodies to put into their Earth Day Packets.
I do a HUGE Earth Day unit for the WHOLE month of April. With all the blog stalking I do I was able to get loads of goodies to put into their Earth Day Packets.
I’m sure you have little nuggets that finish EVERYTHING quickly, am I right? We all do. I use “packets” for my early finishers. I do them monthly & the kids honestly beg me to work on their “packets”. Click on the pic for the cover I made. The sheet on the right came from Denise over @ Sunny Days in Second Grade’s Earth Day Linky Party.
There is currently over 52 Earth Day freebies from various bloggers!
Here is my “Earth Week” wardrobe. I just ordered an “Earth Day is Every Day” tie dye…I hope it comes in time!
Here is my writing wall. I….LOVE…IT! Every month I have a different writing that is displayed & this is put up in # order & placed directly into their portfolios…which end up in their memory books.
Click on the picture to grab yours for free!
It was “Earth Week” for us at school. We did the above school wide & also collected water bottles, batteries, ink cartridges, cell phones, eye glasses & empty glue sticks. I took out the dates in case you wanted to do this next year or even next week!
This is the “Green Team” that came from our local Solid Waste Management District. These teachers are fabulous! Any program they do is FREE & they are so fun & energetic!
Notice all the GREEN? On the left is one of our teachers getting ready to put on a hazardous waste outfit…with rubber gloves AND safety glasses! I am so glad I did not get picked to do this! He was a great sport & got a free bottle of cleaner!
Here is a look down our halls. This is a kindergarten project…precious!
I’ve seen these floating around Pinterest!
Check out the orange & green earth! I bet that nugget doesn’t follow directions!
Here are the signs that were up & down the hall to promote “Earth Week”.
There are a few more projects going up that I would like to show you. I have also received several emails about my earth friendly decor. I will post pics soon!
Please pin & leave me some comment love if you can use anything! Happy Earth Day!
WOW! GO team green!
Mu house recycles WAY more than we trash!
Sharing Kindergarten
Thanks for giving me so many great ideas to share! Love the signs!
Enchanted with Technology
First Grade Blue SKies
Love all of it!! I'm a Head Start teacher and we are out for the summer before Earth Day (April 13 was our last day this year) every year so I don't get to do a unit like this but I think I will work one in next year!
WOW…thank you so much for sharing! I love your shirts:)
Thank you for always sharing all your wonderful ideas and nuggets of wisdom! Being a first year teacher -I feel like a lemon with all of it's juice squeezed out – it is refreshing to have someone else's creativity to borrow. ๐ And your coupons have SAVED my SANITY! Love them! *Coupon idea – choice of computer program for the day – during the normal computer group center time. Hope you have a great and fun weekend!