I am linking up with the gorgeous & talented Reagan Tunstall from Tunstall’s Teaching Tidbits!
Here is the original Reward Coupons! I can’t tell you how much this has transformed my classroom! I would NEVER go back to a treasure box….EVER! This has saved me so much money it is incredible! And since we don’t have kids I don’t have to BEG everyone I know with kids for happy meal toys!
Here is a pic of my kiddos on Friday trading in all their warm fuzzies for coupons. I had TWO FULL CONTAINERS & they literally almost wiped me out of coupons!
Where do I get the coupon ideas you ask? The old ones I interviewed my niece, some students & I came up with about 1/2 on my own. This next round came from my genius students & previous students. Of course, I had to put it into a form of bribery classroom management. When I started thinking about doing another set they are the ones who got my bootie in gear…they begged…they pleaded…they cried…well they didn’t cry but you get the point. I told my kids that I was looking for someone who was going to be the “coupon recorder”. It could be behavior, effort, attitude, etc. that I was looking for. They L.O.V.E.D this & are still not done giving me ideas. They were so cute…they would write ideas down at home & come to the carpet with their ideas when it was time to give ideas! I also had several former students who are in upper elementary give me some ideas. It takes a lot of work behind the scenes for these but they are sooooooooo worth it!
I hope you are comfy for this one! We moved into a new home in September. We were the FIRST ones to see the house & made an offer right then! We fell in LOVE with it. Well, the love didn’t last long because as soon as we got our own stuff in the house I was hyperventilating…kicking.…screaming….until somebody gave me some $$ to go to Home Goods, Marshalls, TJ Maxx & of course ETSY. I was losing sleep over this dilemma of mine. I am very into decorating & changing my surroundings but I’m not very patient….at all….well with the kids I totally am but not when I want something done. Anyway, after lots of work I have a TON few before & after pics. We are still on phase one (main level). Don’t be scared of the before….O.M.G.
This is what the LR looked like when the previous owners lived here.
We actually thought we liked the green & told them they can leave the window treatments….vurp. See all the carpet??? That lasted about 1 week before it was completely trashed. Ms. Olive (Moo Moo) had a UTI & I refused to put her in a cage while we were gone. Soooooo thanks to Moo Moo we got new floors sooner rather than later!
This is the SAME room just made into an office/study. This is a view of my blogging workspace. I LOVE having my own space! The hubs has his own office upstairs & is no longer allowed in mine….he is messy.
I have redecorated once already people. I saw this teal stuff @ Marshalls & went all coo coo for cocoa puffs over this teal stuff. I had that brassy silver looking stuff on the top but then moved that stuff into the dining room.
I wish I took a closer view of what is on the shelf but I didn’t. I was too worried about getting my cool retro chairs in there.
The walls are pretty empty right now but I have a vision for this blank wall. I will post pics when it’s done. I have two more pieces to get to complete this office. I want it in a U-shape so I can spin around & work on a few different things at once. Once I get those pieces then I will be on the hunt for a rug.
I purchased this refurbished apothecary to use as a tv stand. When I got my new office furniture I moved it into there. I’ve been crazy obsessed with grey, teal & black….don’t even get me started on chevron! Anyway this lovely piece went into my office & I had to fill all the drawers & of course label them.
These fab chairs came from an estate sale for $25 each! I spotted that patent leather from across the room & dove for it. Well I was carrying it around with me & almost run into a lady…she was holding it’s partner! O.M.G! I talked this woman into giving me the chair because why would you just want one??? So instead of her having the pair I made sure I did. I don’t even want to repeat the sob story I gave her just to get them.
I am completely obsessed with Annie Sloan chalk paint. This particular color is graphite. You don’t have to prep the furniture AT ALL! This took two coats..that’s it! D.O.N.E!
This is a view of the dining room from the previous owners…yuck.
We are torn with the tabletop. We originally were going to stain it black but we might leave it..not sure.
We upholstered our old chairs with fabric from Joanne Fabrics & painted them black….Cost-$20!
I’m sneaking some Val Day stuff in here! You have to see how adorable our pics came out! I love photography too!
My dad had flowers delivered to school! I was so excited! He also sent them to my niece at school :o)
I love the humongous mustache 🙂
My Second Sense
Gorgeous house pictures! Terrific post! Thank you for linking up!
LOVE the house before and after pics and your photo props are awesome! Thanks for sharing. Big hugs!
New follower in town. Awesome blog!
Fonts 4 Teachers
Fonts 4 Teachers in TPT
We feel your pain with all the demands this year we are losing it! Plus we have no days off till spring break thanks to Hurricane Sandy! our post was similar this week. Love your dogs And class photos, great idea as always!
Kelly and Damien
House looks great! And I love your coupons!!!
Going Nutty!
I LOVE those coupons that you make! The kids also love them…can't wait to check out your new ones 🙂
Kickin’ it in Kindergarten
Love your taste! Your house is so beautiful! Your dad is so sweet to send flowers to school. =)
Just Wild About Teaching
Loved looking at your house pics! It looka AH-MAZING! great job!
Mrs.Miner’s Monkey Business
Your blog is so cute, I am your newest follower.
We also love your reward tickets! They have been a wonderful replacement for the treasure box this year in our classrooms. We'll be on the look out for new ones when you finish them up!
🙂 Tamra and Sarah
I LOVE the pictures of your house. Your office space is SUPER!
First Grade and Fabulous
I loved reading your hall pass! I'm your newest follower!
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