Holy Mama! I had no idea what a hit these awards were going to be for my students and all of you. I was pleasantly surprised when I went browsing on TPT this morning & saw this product of mine was in the top 5! Holy Schnikey’s! I about fell over! My husband just doesn’t realize the feeling of being on cloud 9 over this. Not only am I filled with excitement that this product was actually purchased…I am thinking about all those little nuggets that will be getting these awards all over the world.
That my friends made my entire school year!
Thank you!
I spent so much time on this product and added the full page color & b/w option last month. After creating this last year & watching my own students rip into those candy bars, they had nothing to keep :o( I really wanted them to have something to add to their collection of memories from our school year. So I decided to make the exact awards with a full page color or b/w option. I am personally into neon card stock right now so my students will probably receive the b&w option printed on neon card stock
(see below).
If you did not see our end of the year peace themed party please check it out HERE.
I set up a podium, purchased a red carpet & wrote their names on yellow stars. It looked so adorable! You should have seen how sassy they were strutting down that red carpet! You can purchase the red carpet here. The red carpet idea was inspired by friend Reagan over at Tunstall’s Teaching Tidbits!
If you’d like the chance to win these awards…please leave your email in the comments & show me some comment love! Have a wonderful end of the year!
Amanda Edge says
Love them! I always have trouble coming up with so many awards. Job well done 🙂 aedge52@gmail.com
Mel D says
Wendy Lang says
Have tried Ave tried to add e mail. .. And I was sure to share so my teacher friends could see this incredible find!!! All I can say is this. ….WOW!!!! WendyLang35603@gmail.com
Angela Urso says
What an accomplishment! You deserve to be excited!
Mel D says
Shannon Elder says
I would LOVE to win this!! Mrs.elder1@yahoo.com please pick me!!
Shannon Elder
Mel D says
Marisa says
Ob. Sessed.
Marisa says
Oh yeah – and freemanmk@lcsedu.net 🙂 Thank you! Fingers crossed!
Mel D says
The Hubbards says
Love these! I would love the share this with my self contained sped class. amyhubb@swbell.net
Mel D says
Debbie says
Great Material!!! I could really use this!!!!! djones250@hotmail.com
Mel D says
Lindsey Cote says
I am so obsessed with this post!! The party is so fun and creative! I just graduated three weeks ago and would love to use this idea in my future classroom! lcote@adrian.edu 🙂
Mel D says
New Teacher says
I love these! would definitely make an impact on my students' difficult year (for some of them I am their 3rd teacher) avy137@utsa.edu
Mel D says
New Teacher says
I messed up on my email address it is avy137@my.utsa.edu
Candice Psarsky says
I would love these for my class! Cpsarsky83@gmail.com
Candice Psarsky says
I would love these for my class! Cpsarsky83@gmail.com
Mel D says
Crystal Ellis says
These are so awesome. My students would love to receive these are the end of the year.
Jennifer D says
Congrats on making the Top 5! It's no wonder – they're stinkin' cute! I'd love to win the set!
Hammett Anderson says
You are an amazing teacher and these adorable awards are the cherry on top!! I hope I win these because my kiddos would so love it! tanderson@spart7.org
Alicia M says
What a wonderful idea. Congratulations on your top 5 placement! I can see why! I'd love a set for my class. Alicia atmalec@sbcglobal.net
Amanda says
so cute! i love having special awards for each child 🙂 amandajbeyea@gmail.com
Lisa says
Oh I love the colors you chose to copy them on! These are just beyond cute. Would love a set. lisa_sardinha@hotmail.com
rachel says
Aww I love these! It's such a great idea to give end of the year awards and see those little faces light up with joy! It's such a great time to appeciate each other and what they have contributed to the class throughout the year. Thanks for making these! racheliz622@gmail.com
Susan Jacobs says
I have 30 students so this would be a god send. jacobssusan4@gmail.com
Laura Jones says
These are simply darling and guarantee that everyone gets an award…..ljljones58@gmail.com
LoLo says
I applaud you for making these WHILE teaching!!!! That's why I'm always looking for shortcuts — I'm just too exhausted; and people like YOU are around and are SOOOOO creative — right down my alley!!! THANK YOU for putting together such an awesome product for the rest of us!!! You ROCK!!
Laura Jones says
These are simply darling and guarantee that everyone gets an award…..ljljones58@gmail.com
Mallory says
These are so cute! My 1st graders would love getting these awards! mallsmit@indiana.edu
Jeananne Salas says
Would love!!!!!
Lisa De Leon says
How wonderful! And so so colorful! Here's hoping leesag130@gmail.com
Miss Terrell says
I love your stuff! I am going to have a peace themed classroom next year and have already gotten lots of your items! Thanks for the inspiration! Love these awards too! lterrell@lcisd.org
bstokes says
Congratulations!! These awards are perfect for my sixth graders! Such a great variety. I am also into the neon – I got my hands onto neon construction paper this year and my kids begged for it during every activity!
S Brady says
LOVE these!! What a fun and positive way to end the school year! sbrady716@gmail.com
Lisa Marshall says
I love your work! lmarshall1389@gmail.com
Nicole Boyer says
These are great and I love the neon too. nlboyer@gaston.k12.nc.us
Kimberly Jarrell says
These are too cute, I can see why they are in the top 5. Congratulations! mimisnow62@gmail.com
Ryane Harris says
These are awesome… Great work! Rr_5982@hotmail.com
Kim says
How awesome for the kids. It is the simple and quirky things that the kids love the best. Very creative. Love your ideas. Going to try it in 19 days with my kids.
Allison Krehbiel says
Great idea! You have such a good variety! Can't wait to use them in my classroom! a.krehbiel13@gmail.com
Laura Santillan says
Love the red carpet idea. Thank you. Would love a copy of the awards. Lauri380@msn.com
Laura Santillan says
Love the red carpet idea. Thank you. Would love a copy of the awards. Lauri380@msn.com
Jaclyn Farley says
So Cute!! What a great idea!! 🙂
Rachel Kunkel says
I would love to win these for my kiddos! Lantzrachel@yahoo.com
Roxanne S says
These are awesome!! They're great for my kiddos
ddrina herna says
How wonderful! I would love these for my class! ddrinah@gmail.com
Jenn says
Happy Memorial Day! Congratulations on being in the top 5-that's awesome! This set is perfect, so I'm not surprised so many people bought it! I would love to use it with my kiddos! The awards are so unique 🙂
KinderTeacherwithanMFA says
I love this idea! My Kinders would love it! aarmentrout@ccps.us
Rosemary says
This would be great to give to my second graders!
Michele Rodriguez says
Love them…always trying to come up award ideas at the end of the year to give. dmtrodriguez@yahoo.com
Cindy Price says
These are amazing! Would love these to add some pizazz to the end of the year!
Stacey Salhus says
I love them and I know my students would too!!! salhus78@gmail.com
Alissa Rebelo says
Love these! I have a few candy bar awards but sometimes have a hard time coming up with something for certain kids. Alibee3681@gmail.com
Nicole Rios says
Oh, yes please! These are adorable, and I would love to give them to my students when we end the year in two weeks! They have been my absolute most favorite class ever, and I really want to make this end of the year extra special. mrsriosteaches@gmail.com
Felicia Saenzphillips says
I'm loving these. Please pick me!
Felicia Saenzphillips says
I'm loving these. Please pick me!
Felicia Saenzphillips says
I'm loving these. Please pick me!
Lee Ann says
I was trying to come up with some creative teacher awards for the end of the year and your's would be PERFECT! It's been "one of those years" that has tapped me out mentally and financially, so I was looking for something to fit my shoestring budget!
Shelia says
ABSOLUTELY LOVE THESE!!! I have some candy bar awards, but they are nothing compared to these! My 2nd graders would LOVE these!! WOW–what an accomplishment being in the top 5 on tpt!! Hope you took a picture! PLEASE pick me (I mean, PLEASE pick my 2nd graders–all 21 of them)!!! sdavis6281@hotmail.com
sbuche says
I LOVE these! These would be perfect for my Kindergarten Celebration Friday. You are so creative!
JenStow says
These are so fantastic! Thank you for all the ideas and inspiration. I've been following you for over a year now and I can't express how much help your posts have been to me. This is my second year teaching and my gosh had the time flown by. Have a great summer!
JenStow says
Kim says
These awards are amazing! It would be awesome to distribute these to my students. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Miss Ali says
These are awesome! I always have trouble coming up with unique end-of-year gifts and these are so easy but special for the kids! Please pick me and my kiddos!! sali.ewma@gmail.com
aesslinger says
Would love to win these! ashley.esslinger2@gmail.com
Anonymous says
These are so awesome! What a great giveaway!
ozlover lori says
These are so great! My special education students would love them! loriand_13@yahoo.com
Mrs. Sommer says
Love, love, love these. Such a great idea!
Ali says
Mel….you ALLLWAAAAYSS do it up juuuuust right. Now I'M obsessed with these end of the year awards! Would be in heaven if I won these!!!! Thanks Mel!!!! : )
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Tina says
Seriously, you stuff is ALWAYS iN my top 5! Love your store! I would love to win your awards! bettiraed@yahoo.com
Carolann Lapointe says
OMG!! These are sooooo awesome. What a great way for them to up their self-esteem, to see that they got our attention in any form or another and for them to keep a souvenir of their year. This is fantastic! carolann.lapointe@gmail.com
Monica R. says
Those awards are so awesome! I would love to win them! mrsruffin924@gmail.com
Jessica Ward says
These are very cute, would be wonderful in my kinders class! We only have 3 days left! Weeeee! 😀
Thanks for the opportunity! Jward4edu@gmail.com
Carol Biegun says
It is a wonderful end to a year of progress. What a fabulous teacher you are to think of so many ways to recognize and celebrate student success. Surely you will stand out in their minds as deserving the BEST TEACHER- award!! Job well done! I would love to use these ideas to mark success in my classroom too!
Cherie says
These are SUPER!
Michelle Ritchie says
Need these. So hard to come up with new awards each year.
Michelle Ritchie says
Need these. So hard to come up with new awards each year.
Amanda Holley says
These are amazing! My kiddos would love them! 🙂
Once Upon A Classroom says
I have never done awards like this but CANNOT wait to do this! I even bought a red carpet 🙂 I would love to win them 🙂 Thanks for the chance – they are so amazing, especially with the candy bar wrapper 🙂 erinneb@yahoo.ca
Ellen says
This is such an awesome idea! I have never done anything like this before and my students would love it. The red carpet and names on the stars are the kind of details that make it so special.
Anonymous says
Wow! You spent a lot of time on these awards! I'd love to have these for my kindergarten class. I'm always looking for award ideas. We have 11/2 weeks left. My memory books are ready to go, just looking for awards for everyone in class.
Thanks for doing all this!!
Christin W. says
Omg…these look awesome! I'd love a copy! Thanks for such hard work. It is very rewarding I'm sure!
Christin Shiftingteacherk2@gmail.com
Shifting Teacher K-2
Cindy L says
These are fabulous. My students get one award for learning cursive that all second graders get. My students would love to get one of these as well. cl14mentor@oh.rr.com
Samantha ♥ says
Congrats on being in the top 5! Woo-hoo!
Would love the chance to use your product with my 1st graders! 🙂
Angie says
These are wonderful! I love that you can purchase one type of candy.
ladyjane says
Beautiful product! My kids would love these for sure!
Sharon Laramie says
These are fantastic! My first graders would love these.
Leslye~Lauren says
Congratulations and great job!! These are adorable, and I love that they are keepsakes too!!
hsease says
Would LOVE thses!!! hsease99@hotmail.com
Lisa Faught says
I just want to say thank you for creating these adorable awards! I purchased these on tpt and my kinder kiddos LOVED them! Thank you for making my last week of school easier! 🙂
Rachel Mullen says
Hello! My name is Rachel, and I am brand new to the teacher blogging world! I just graduated from college, and am starting my first full time teaching position in a few days. If you have any tips or advice for a new blogger, please let me know. Also, feel free to check out my blog and let me know what you think! Thanks everyone!!!! 🙂
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Tiffany LoConte says
This is incredible! I cannot wait to try these awards out! My kiddos are going to LOVE them!
– Tiffany
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Christina J says
I love this idea! Would love to try them out on the children. I would love to have this packet.
Cole Eagle says
These are great! I especially like the "Red Carpet" treatment! I will love giving these to my students almost as much as they will love getting them! Thanks for sharing your creativity with others!
Cole Eagle says
my email: cmdominy@outlook.com
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Julie Gulick says
Your awards are amazing….I am doing a similar end of the year party but couldn't find a decently priced red carpet..thanks to you, I just ordered the one from party city!! so THANK YOU! I would love your EOY awards…you have so many good ones and they are SO cute!
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