Establishing a Gathering Place:
Part of D5 is establishing a gathering place in your classroom. The space above is my classroom library where we gather when I don’t use anything digital. I am not one to have big anchor charts, I use them but they are digital & displayed on my Smartboard.
When I am using my Smartboard the gathering place is at their seats. I will pull up certain anchor charts through my Smartboard or simply through them on my Elmo or Luna Projector. With the way technology is going I don’t feel the need to waste the paper on an anchor chart BUT there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with doing that…I just don’t have the space.
This is the only picture I could find of my calendar area. This will be changing this upcoming school year. This will still be a gathering area but will have more D5 reference posters instead of a calendar. My calendar time will be all digital.
Benefits to having a gathering place is to meet as a community, the children can turn & talk to each other about what we are discussing. It’s always not a bad idea to have them in one spot to monitor behavior as well. I use my gathering place before and after we are in D5. If we broke stamina I usually STOP D5 instantly & then we gather together to discuss what went wrong. I also bring them together to discuss what went right & have them turn and talk to each other about what they learned that day.
Click on the picture to grab your FREE peace themed Good-Fit bookmarks.
This will be something that you model and practice with your students all year long. Some got it right away & others….well you know. Research shows an independent or good-fit book is one that student’s can read with 99% accuracy. I used to see my struggling readers try to pick a chapter book that I knew they couldn’t read & then in turn their behavior is off task. When you see this then you pull them to the side & go over their bookmark with them until they get it. This leads us right into I-PICK.
1. I choose a book
2. Purpose-Why do I want to read it?
3. Interest-Does it interest me?
4. Comprehend-Am I understanding what I am reading?
5. Know-I know most of the words
The sisters point out that a child’s purpose for reading, interest in a topic, and ability to comprehend played as large a role in finding a good-fit book as readability did.
The sisters do a phenomenal I-Pick a Good-Fit Book Lesson with their students that I totally copied. Basically to explain this concept you need to run around & get all kinds of shoes. I borrowed someone’s baby shoes & brought some of my husband’s shoes. You demonstrate how to pick a good-fit book by using the shoes as a visual. You go from shoe to shoe until you see that light bulb go off when you point out how my own shoe is the perfect “fit”….right? I also brought in a mountain biking magazine, a hunting magazine & Vogue or some kind of girly magazine. Then we discussed which would be a good “fit” for me. It reflected my “interest” so I would “pick” the girly magazine.
Like I said you model & teach this method all year long and once we go shopping for books it’s amazing how you see it in action.
Setting Up Book Boxes
I was lucky enough to get a hold of 23 of these bins from Target…..after I stalked about every Target in the area & attacked a stock boy unloading them. Anything for my little nuggets :o) Each child had their own bin that they stored in the bottom of their cubbies.
I have so many books in my class I actually got rid of a TON at the end of the year. I only have AR books in my class that they can choose from. I put all they kindergarten level books in 4 containers they can pick from until I assess them using Dibels & get their TRC levels. So basically they don’t have a chance to choose the right book. I hide the chapter books until the end of the 2nd quarter.
I’ve acquired such a LARGE collection of books by living at garage sales in the summer, Scholastic freebies & I get a ton of donations from parents.
After I go over all the lessons to get them ready to shop for their books, we ONLY shop for books on Monday. Later in the year as they started taking & passing so many AR tests I allowed them to switch the book out that they passed for another one & it worked out just fine.
If you google D5 anchor charts you will get a TON that pop up. As I said earlier, I do all mine digitally on my Smartboard as a class & then save it & refer to them often.
This is where the stamina building comes in. I started out building our stamina during Read to Self in 3 minute increments and yes there were some days where we didn’t increase by 3 minutes & broke stamina. After someone would break stamina we would regroup & discuss what went wrong & then the child or children would be held accountable. We did this for every part of D5 that I introduced.
I really had fun with this & so did the kids. These are just some pics I had taken during the school year. Next year I will show these pics to my students. The above is the correct model of “Read to Someone”. This year since it was my first year we acted it out. I would have them sprawl out, roll on the ground, scream across the room….& they giggled so hard. Since we modeled the incorrect way they had the visual of what not to do & this really does help them.
Please join us with your Chapter 3 blog post. DO NOT POST if you do not have a post about Chapter 3. You must include a link to the Chapter hostess somewhere in your blog post.
Hi Mel. I love the idea of taking pictures and having them to show to the next year's group. Thanks for starting this book study – it was the push I needed to learn about D5 and your freebies are great!
Teaching Little Miracles
I am so happy to see someone else who uses their smartboard for anchor charts. I have a promethean board and use it for all my anchor charts. I don't have the room in the class to hang things up. We get in big trouble with fire Marshall. I always feel a little inferior because I don't have cute anchor charts up. I'm getting ready to link up the chapter 3.
Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten
Thank you for doing this study. It's my first blog hop and digital book study so it's talking a little time to get it all together. ๐
Mel I am so jealous of your classroom! It looks so fun and inviting!! Thank you for all of your great ideas and resources. I am going to check out those wands right now.
Surfin' Through Second
Hi. I nominated you for One lovely Blog award. I love your blog and appreciate that you organized the book study's. Come on over and pick it up.
I love those music wands. I NEED one ๐
My Second Sense
thanks for sharing excellent post & blog.. keep it up..
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