Uh-oh, where did the summer go? It’s August ALREADY, and among the other gazillion things on your teacher to-do list, you may be thinking about which behavior management system you’d like to try with your class this year. Well, I can guarantee, that if you try the Rewards Coupon system, you’ll be blown away by the response from your kiddos. In teacher circles, there’s been so much talk lately about Brag Tags and Reward Coupons that I think it’s the perfect time, right before school starts back, to learn more so that you can transform your class this year! Once I implemented these two (nearly-automated) behavior management systems, I’ve never looked back, and NEVER had the need to try anything else! First, it’s essential to note that Brag Tags and Reward Coupons are very different and are used for different purposes. My last post discussed all the amazing reasons why Brag Tags are such an awesome behavior management system. The Brag Tags post gives you all … [Read more...] about Reward Coupons & Brag Tags: Behavior Management Made Effortless, Engaging, & Fun!
warm fuzzies
Classroom Management Using Warm Fuzzies and Reward Coupons
I am joining my bloggy besties from Freebielicious for a Throwback Thursday post on Classroom Management. This is one of my most popular posts & I thought it would be a great time to revisit it...perfect timing! READ ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM................HINT...HINT! I'm joining some of my blogging bff's over @ our collaborative blog, Freebie-licious for week #5 of our summer linky party series. I believe it was my 3rd or even 4th year of teaching when my former principal, Mr. Ja**a** had the nerve to mark me off on an evaluation because my students were talking when they transitioned into the line to leave. Oh, they also were too loud while adding dice...really???? Don't even get me started. Well, I don't take criticism well at all but my kids were good! You know how you promise them 10,000 fuzzies if they are good or everyone gets a sucker...come on, admit it! We all do it. Well, that day I did & they were very well … [Read more...] about Classroom Management Using Warm Fuzzies and Reward Coupons
Classroom Management Linky
I am so excited to link up with Rachelle & Natalie's linky party. This is honestly my favorite topic to blog about! This has been my biggest obstacle when I started teaching nearly 10 years ago. If you're anything like me if it's a challenge you must accept the challenge and overcome the obstacle and I did! Last year's group of students was the MOST challenging bunch I've ever had! I knew within the first day either I was going to retire @ 39 or have to come up with something really good. First I'm going to give you some examples of things I do in my classroom that have gotten me to this point & have worked magically. I have a secret...it's magical & it's NOT too late to start.............2 words.........WARM FUZZIES. I have been using this for at least 9 years & LOVE IT! Here are my fuzzy containers. Here are my two containers for big & little warm fuzzies. One BIG one equals 5 little ones. So to get a big one is … [Read more...] about Classroom Management Linky
Classroom Management with Warm Fuzzies
I'm back....yes, I'm back. I am finally feeling good & up to blog again. After getting a ton of messages from new teachers & even seasoned teachers about classroom management I thought it was time for a more detailed post about how I keep my classroom manageable. I have a secret...it's magical & it's NOT too late to start.............2 words.........WARM FUZZIES. I have been using this for at least 6 years & LOVE IT! Here are my fuzzy containers. This was stolen borrowed from a former 1st grade teacher I used to work with...IDK where she got the idea from but I heart it! Here are my two containers for big & little warm fuzzies. One BIG one equals 5 little ones. So to get a big one is kind of a big HUGE deal to a first grader. I will give some examples for earning & losing fuzzies...big & little. BIG FUZZIES: 1. Each student that passes an AR test gets a BIG fuzzy. 2. If a student gets a "wow" on a … [Read more...] about Classroom Management with Warm Fuzzies
Classroom Management Linky Party
Mrs. Randall from Miss Kindergarten is hosting a classroom management linky party & I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE LINKY PARTIES! The first thing I would like to blog about is Yes these look like pom poms to you, right? NO! These are magical WARM FUZZIES...I MEAN MAGICAL...well to my classroom management they are magical! I have been using these magical little puffs of heaven for years now & I wouldn't have it any other way! I can give warm fuzzies & I can also take them away. And let me tell you when I take one away...I have seen tears...oh yeah I have seen tears over these little puff balls! Each of my students has one of these I had to find a pic online since I didn't take one at school. I have used old film containers & baggies in the past but I saw the light when I passed by these & thought PERFECTO! The kids are told they are not allowed to take the lid off until Friday which is trading day. Did you notice there are BIG and LITTLE warm fuzzies? … [Read more...] about Classroom Management Linky Party