If you all are like me...and I think you are...you need some organization with all this BLOG STALKING that we do. I need some kind of to do list daily to keep me on task & to keep up with all my blog stalking, blogging, creating materials, etc. Here is a list that I created to keep myself under control & still maintain a life & marriage @ the same time this summer. I hope you find it as useful as I have! Grab it here if you need a to do blogger/blog stalking list! … [Read more...] about Blog Stalking To Do List Freebie
Terrific Transitions Linky Party
Little Miss Kindergarten is hosting a terrific transitions party & I just linked up. I've been out of school for three weeks now so I am brainstorming everything I do. What I do know is out of 8 years of teaching this year I've had the best control of my classroom & I think it's a combination of changing some of my techniques that I will discuss. *One of the biggest differences was using "bucket filling" in my room. The kids got along sooooo much better and treated everyone including adults with more respect than I have seen in years. Check out my bucket filling ideas for tips & freebies.Next year I am doing a Hollywood theme so I made a new "Secret Walker" sign that you can grab here. I print is out 2 pages tall & wide so it winds up being poster size and I will hang it on my door. I have about 5 different sets of sticks around my classroom with each student's name on it & one is by the door. One of my classroom jobs is "line leader" which is … [Read more...] about Terrific Transitions Linky Party
FREEBIE Management Tools
Not sure how to do a screen shot w/ a link yet on a PC...I tried. I made these signs last year & it really helped out in the beginning of the year. I'm guessing you know how it is the first week of school..you go over & over & over procedures until they "get it". I usually take pics of a few students doing each step & create a slideshow for them to watch to make sure they get everything done by the bell. If you would like a copy of this sign click here. BTW, when I print this I print it 4 pages so it's poster size. I also created another sign for the end of the day procedures. After a few weeks of going over & over the procedures, I take down the beginning of the day & end of the day slideshow and tell them to read the sign to make sure they don't forget anything. If only that worked for all my students..if only! You can get the Before You Leave sign here. Here is a picture of the signs hanging in my classroom. I actually … [Read more...] about FREEBIE Management Tools
Giveaway @ Plug-n-Plan
Go check out this new blog I discovered called Plug-n-Plan here! You have a chance to win a fabulous unit on Time. Check it out! It's almost time for seusstastic giveaway as well. I'm working on some personalized items that everyone is going to fight over ...he he ..stayed tuned friends. … [Read more...] about Giveaway @ Plug-n-Plan
Holla if you heart labels! Here are some FREE organization labels for you!
The following FREEBIE are some organization labels using Lettering Delights oh so funtastic fonts! All you have to do is use Avery 8163 or 2x4 labels & your good to go! For the "sharpened pencils & "please sharpen" labels I would put them on cups, idea stolen from Really Good Stuff. The rest of the labels are self-explanatory. I personally use my meeting labels on folders where I store notes & on the different notebooks that I use for the meetings. Hope these are helpful. Enjoy! Click Here for the FREE LABELS! … [Read more...] about Holla if you heart labels! Here are some FREE organization labels for you!
Blog Stalking Linky Party
Click here to join in on the blog stalking fun over at Clutter-Free Classroom. I am very new to blogging & just created my own but I am a total blog stalker...I think I need help. So if you lose sleep at night stalking blogs like me, join the linky party & find some new ones to stalk. :o) The following are a few of my daily stalks. Kristin @ Ladybug's Teacher Files has a TON of useful technology tips for maintaining your blog. She even has video's! I hope the Clutter-Free Classroom feels the love from me! I about lost my mind when she started posting ideas for themes. I swear I was ready to wake up my husband out of a dead sleep when I saw the post for the Hollywood Themed Classroom ideas! … [Read more...] about Blog Stalking Linky Party