Uh-oh, where did the summer go? It’s August ALREADY, and among the other gazillion things on your teacher to-do list, you may be thinking about which behavior management system you’d like to try with your class this year. Well, I can guarantee, that if you try the Rewards Coupon system, you’ll be blown away by the response from your kiddos. In teacher circles, there’s been so much talk lately about Brag Tags and Reward Coupons that I think it’s the perfect time, right before school starts back, to learn more so that you can transform your class this year! Once I implemented these two (nearly-automated) behavior management systems, I’ve never looked back, and NEVER had the need to try anything else! First, it’s essential to note that Brag Tags and Reward Coupons are very different and are used for different purposes. My last post discussed all the amazing reasons why Brag Tags are such an awesome behavior management system. The Brag Tags post gives you all … [Read more...] about Reward Coupons & Brag Tags: Behavior Management Made Effortless, Engaging, & Fun!
reward coupons
Classroom Management Using Warm Fuzzies and Reward Coupons
I am joining my bloggy besties from Freebielicious for a Throwback Thursday post on Classroom Management. This is one of my most popular posts & I thought it would be a great time to revisit it...perfect timing! READ ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM................HINT...HINT! I'm joining some of my blogging bff's over @ our collaborative blog, Freebie-licious for week #5 of our summer linky party series. I believe it was my 3rd or even 4th year of teaching when my former principal, Mr. Ja**a** had the nerve to mark me off on an evaluation because my students were talking when they transitioned into the line to leave. Oh, they also were too loud while adding dice...really???? Don't even get me started. Well, I don't take criticism well at all but my kids were good! You know how you promise them 10,000 fuzzies if they are good or everyone gets a sucker...come on, admit it! We all do it. Well, that day I did & they were very well … [Read more...] about Classroom Management Using Warm Fuzzies and Reward Coupons
Spring Cleaning & More!
I have to admit, I caved under the pressure to have a sale. I'm so happy I did! I haven't showed too many pictures of my little nuggets in action this year so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity. Packing up 10+ years of a classroom...perging.....packing...unpacking.....decorating....redecorating...I have been a tad busy. Now here I am at the very end of my Spring Break.....WAH! It actually snowed............. Who let him here? I just look at this pic & laugh! This is Chicago my friends. It snowed on Spring Break & we grilled. Yes, when it's March....we grill no matter what. And we stop wearing coats. Am I right my Chicagoland friends???? I will be planning all day tomorrow. Part of my plans are pulling out more of these bad boys for the 4th quarter....BAM! What a great way to start off the Monday after Spring Break..with a little teaser of what's in store. They WILL take the bait. So here is one of my nuggets counting up … [Read more...] about Spring Cleaning & More!
Classroom Management Linky Party
READ ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM................HINT...HINT! I'm joining some of my blogging bff's over @ our collaborative blog, Freebie-licious for week #5 of our summer linky party series. I believe it was my 3rd or even 4th year of teaching when my former principal, Mr. Ja**a** had the nerve to mark me off on an evaluation because my students were talking when they transitioned into a the line to leave. Oh, they also were too loud while adding dice...really???? Don't even get me started. Well, I don't take criticism well at all but my kids were good! You know how you promise them 10,000 fuzzies if they are good or everyone gets a sucker...come on, admit it! We all do it. Well, that day I did & they were very well behaved. Anyway, when I had the meeting afterwords I had written a rebuttal to my evaluation...ever since then I was a target. He actually handed me a classroom management book by Harry Wong!!!!!! I was absolutely appalled beyond belief. … [Read more...] about Classroom Management Linky Party
New Teacher Tips-Summer Linky Party #2
I would like to start this out by apologizing to the first class I taught. College DOES NOT teach you how to run a classroom, not even close. I think of different occurrences that happened my first several years...oh.my.word. After teaching for ten years, I myself am still learning & still changing things up from year to year. EVERY class you will have is a different...lets say "bird". As you start teaching you will know what I am talking about. You will have years like this last one I had, that you never want to end. The kids are near perfect, most of the parents are fabulous! You are just in la la land over in your room and then....it ends. The class that is coming up I am truly frightened....frightened to the point that I am shopping for prosthetic bumps to fake a baby...not kidding. They scare me. I couldn't even walk through the cafeteria while they were eating...well rolling, skipping, jumping, standing on tables...if there was chandeliers in the … [Read more...] about New Teacher Tips-Summer Linky Party #2
Spring Cleaning
I am participating in a SALE just for this weekend ONLY. 20% off.... which I NEVER do. Click on the graphic above to fill your basket cart! Here is a sneak peek at my new unit. I am super uber proud of it! Seriously....my whole Spring Break was CONSUMED by this thing! Made a goal to get it done...I DID IT! HOLLA! I will be giving one away...which I practically am....on my FB page. Introducing my Spring-a-licious ELA & Math Common Core Aligned Unit! Over 100 pages of sweat & some tears! There are 6 Literacy & 6 Math centers with Common Core standards listed on each black & white accountability sheet & cover. A few other newer products.............. This game includes the following: Long A (a_e, -ay, -ai) word cards. Long E (ee, ea, ie, ey, y). Long I (i_e, igh, -y, -ie). Long O (o_e, oa, ow, oo, +). Long U (u_e, ew, ue, +). All the vowel cards are on look-alike Candy Land cards. You just need a game board and game … [Read more...] about Spring Cleaning