I collaborated with Lakeshore Learning, the ultimate teacher store, on a back to school decor project. Of course, I could NOT pass this up! Several years ago, I started getting into bright neon and chalkboard and the Chevron & Dots Starter Pack they sent me is the motivation I needed! Without further ado, I'm hoping you will find some inspiration here! The original inspiration for this bulletin board idea came from my sweet friend, Jodi from Fun in First. I call this "Restroom Review" because that is just what it is. This is in our hallway right outside our first grade bathrooms. I believe in utilizing every educational opportunity while I have my students and that includes in the hallway. The posters and math vocab were made by me but are not finished. This hallway display is changed every Monday morning based on what unit we are on in Journey's. I also change the math vocabulary based on what lesson/topic we are on that week. I take … [Read more...] about Back to School Decor Ideas
Lakeshore Learning Review
Castle Block Obsession-Lakeshore Review
When Lakeshore Learning contacted me to do a review, I was hesitant to choose these castle blocks. I thought they were too young for my firsties. Boy......was I wrong!!!! They are obsessed my friends! Immediately, my mind was spinning! How could I use this to bribe award good behavior. You know I am ALL.ABOUT.THAT! I love recognizing positive behavior choices and then the rest of the students naturally follow suit. First, I let the first four students who finished their morning work correctly test them out. This was my way of reeling the others in.....the blocks were my bait. Then I decided they have to earn the time with the castle blocks. I decided that they had to turn in a "No Morning Work" REWARD COUPON to play with them other than indoor recess. Lakeshore Learning is offering my loyal readers a 20% off coupon!!!! Hurry and purchase any nonsale item, including these castle blocks by 3/31/15! … [Read more...] about Castle Block Obsession-Lakeshore Review
Get Your Child Ready for 2nd Grade
Is your child ready for second grade? Find out—with this super-exciting game show! It’s packed with 6 fun games that let kids become game-show contestants—winning pretend cash for each math or language question answered correctly. Plus, after completing each game, your child wins a reward coupon—and is treated to the prize of your choice! Best of all, after you play, simply enter the game results online—and we’ll give you an instant online assessment that pinpoints any areas where your child may need additional help. We’ll even provide FREE printable activities that focus on the exact skills your child needs to practice, plus product recommendations to build skills even further—and ensure a successful school year! 6-game set includes 240 playing cards, a game stand with a discard tray, play money, reward coupons and a score tracker to record the game results. Some of my boys that were finished early this week were able to try … [Read more...] about Get Your Child Ready for 2nd Grade
National Craft Month
Did you know that March is National Craft Month? I sure didn't. I am teaming up with Lakeshore Learning, my favorite teacher store, to show you what I did with their 3-way easel. As you know, I am a first grade teacher. This 3-way easel has been such a life saver during this Polar Vortex in Chicago. Oh.my.word. My little nuggets haven't been outside for recess since before Thanksgiving! Poor things. I am very resourceful with ideas for them but I was running out of options. Once I UN-boxed this fine quality beauty they were fighting over it. Then, of course, I had to make them earn it. They have been trying to earn fuzzies like crazy to be able to use this during indoor recess! They love to actually be able to use chalk! They are used to sidewalk chalk & don't really get to use a chalkboard in today's world. THEY LOVE IT! It's like giving them finger paints or play-doh! On the other side is a dry-erase board. They love this as well since they aren't … [Read more...] about National Craft Month