Thank you to Caitlin from Kindergarten Smiles for hosting this Freebie-licious summer linky party! I will be honest......I have always struggled getting my firsties to love writing until this past year. There are some fabulous resources out there in blogland to help you. I am confident they leave my classroom with a love of reading but my goal this year was to do that with writing.We are giving them the foundation for reading and writing and it's our job to prepare them for the dreaded "writing" portion of state tests. If you have been following my blog then you know I use warm fuzzies. Last year I actually started taking warm fuzzies if they forgot a capital or punctuation. They would get so frustrated but it did work. Daily 5 provided my class with the opportunity to write daily and they ended up being the BEST writers I've ever taught. You have to make it exciting for them & change things up. As soon as I sniffed out any boredom at all I would … [Read more...] about Work on Writing Linky Party
Hoosier Blog Hop
Holla for the Hoosiers! If you just came from Rebecca's blog, Second Grade Sensation, you are in the right place. I am teaming up with various Hoosier bloggers for an Indiana blog hop! So glad there are more Indiana bloggers out there! Go us! Indiana teachers have had quite a year & are very thankful for Glenda Ritz! Raise your hand if you are TEAM GLENDA like me! Adios Bennett! You akfjhawe;orife! Read between the lines people! Dear Florida, we feel your pain! Anywho, your next stop is my fellow Hoosier and friend Cindy Sweeney from Cindy Sweeney's Class! She teaches in my district & is A.W.E.S.O.M.E! So energetic & so into her job just like her! I would also like you to follow another friend of mine that is a soon to be teammate in first grade! Her name is Stacey & her blog is Teaching Ever After! We are very excited to teach the same grade level. You must check out her blog! She has an absolutely gorgeous family & is … [Read more...] about Hoosier Blog Hop
Daily Summer Journal Freebie & Mother’s Day fun!
The following is a freebie gift idea for your students. Personally, I will give each of my students a spiral notebook to use as a summer journal. I made my little nuggets journals all.the.time! I don't assign them anything to write at home...they want to write at home! I have some very exciting writing activities I have created to share with you this summer. This cover I would use with a construction paper journal. Simply fold a large sheet of construction paper "hamburger style" and insert writing paper. This cover is small to fit on the front of a composition notebook. These are very reasonably priced during back to school sales. This is the cover colored & pasted on a spiral notebook. These were purchased for a penny EACH! I always stock up on these every time I see them on sale. The other side of the cover has these journal writing tips that they can also color. We had so much fun getting ready for Mother's Day this … [Read more...] about Daily Summer Journal Freebie & Mother’s Day fun!
Fill Your Basket
Happy Spring my little nuggets peeps! IDK about you but I was on Spring Break this week & it went by WAAAAAAAAY TOO FAST....WAH! I did give myself the first weekend off...well kind of....I went shopping with my BFF....mercy did I spend too much. I told the hubs I spent my limit just so I can lock myself up in the house to get some work done. OH.MY.WORD. I spent an ENORMOUS amount of hours on my new SPRING-A-LICIOUS ELA & MATH UNIT...COMMON CORE ALIGNED...BTW. Seriously....I thought I would NEVER get is done & it's on SALE...super cheap my friends. ANYWHO, I hooked up with my blogging BFF's to give you a freebie! Click on any pick for your freebie! Here is a sneak peek at my new unit. I am super uber proud of it! whole Spring Break was CONSUMED by this thing! Made a goal to get it done...I DID IT! HOLLA! I will be giving one away...which I practically am....on my FB page. Introducing my … [Read more...] about Fill Your Basket
Reward Coupons Set #2 in the house! + a Freebie!
OH.MY.WORD What a relief it was to finally get these done. They have been a work in progress & many have waited a LONG time for this next set. My students are L.O.V.I.N.G these new coupons! They love the fact that they had so much input on each & every one of these. I also interviewed previous students who are now in upper elementary on coupons they would want. I have no clue what those old kids like...ha! Before you ask.... here is what this intrinsic classroom management reward system is all about & what is included............. My Reward Coupons Set 1 is my BEST SELLER! And they are also one of the top sellers on TPT. They are so popular in my school and others that the demand for more was my motivation to get these done before this school year ended. Well, my little nuggets behavior was my BIGGEST motivation...something had to be done...& quick! This is by far the BEST behavior modification I have ever done! I got rid of the … [Read more...] about Reward Coupons Set #2 in the house! + a Freebie!
Filling Your Hearts!
The fabulous Freebie-Licious Authors are having a blog hop with loads of freebies! This freebie is a homework pass that I copy on pink or red paper & hand it out to the student. I will also attach an additional Val Day treat to it. These are "love notes" that they get to write during "Work on Writing" in Daily 5. I have this cute little pink mailbox that they put them in when they are finished. They can write to their friends, teachers, parents, siblings, etc. This is their favorite thing to do during "Work on Writing". Click on any pic to grab your freebie. Click on the blog hop button above to grab your next freebie from the fabulous Donna Glynn of Kinderglynn! So here is a brand new product I created. My kids are O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D with coupons...I wonder why. Anyway, I made a coupon book for them this year for Val Day. I made 10 different ones but also included a replica of each coupon that is … [Read more...] about Filling Your Hearts!