This year was our 3rd year for our end of the year awards ceremony. I have to say this year was the BEST yet! We are lucky enough to have a brand new beautiful school. We also have a gorgeous stage that our staff signs up for. I had big plans at the end of last year to do plays, have a mother's day tea, etc. Well...the year just slipped away. I had to get these first graders on this beautiful stage! They did have a performance for the first time this year that was produced by our music teacher. They did awesome! They loved the stage! If you follow me on IG then you know I have an obsession with black and gold right now. When I am going through a phase it spreads to every part of my life. I had a vision of what I wanted it to look like. I will leave all the links at the end of this blog post for everything I purchased. Decorations everywhere! The lights above are called "fairy lights". I originally purchased these for my … [Read more...] about End of the Year Awards Ceremony
End of the Year Awards-Updated!
I created these awards three years ago and every year they keep getting better. With each classroom comes different students with unique personalities. Any of your students could fit any of these awards. Well, this year I created even more! I don't think there could possibly be a student that doesn't fit one of these awards! I ended up adding 35 BRAND NEW AWARDS!!!! +++I added voting slips and various award tracker sheets to help with your organization. +++ Here is an excerpt from a blog post last year about these awards BEFORE they were updated. "Holy Mama! I had no idea what a hit these awards were going to be for my students and all of you. I was pleasantly surprised when I went browsing on TPT this morning & saw this product of mine was in the top 5! Holy Schnikey's! I about fell over! My husband just doesn't realize the feeling of being on cloud 9 over this. Not only am I filled with excitement that this product was … [Read more...] about End of the Year Awards-Updated!
Airborne~A Must Have for all Teachers!
If you are a teacher, and you are reading this....I know you have heard of Airborne. I have been taking this since I discovered it was invented by a teacher genius. Um...HeLlO!!!! Who would know how to build up our immune systems more than a teacher?!? Airborne recently released Airborne Everyday, a new product that I know you would be interested in. Airborne Everyday Immune Support Plus Multivitamin helps support your immune system and overall health every day. This convenient supplement is designed to provide immune support plus a multivitamin. The hubs and I have been taking this new product daily for weeks. #amazing Along with taking Airborne we have been trying to eat healthier, work out, and take better care of ourselves in general. Yoga is also on my to do list. I would love to add this to a workout routine daily. I introduced this product to a new teacher that is filling in for the remainder of the year. One of the first things I do with … [Read more...] about Airborne~A Must Have for all Teachers!
So I posted this image on my instagram today and was hoping to get some interest...I did. Yay! It took so much for me to push "share" because I knew once I shared it... it would be out there...... permanently! O.M.G. I did it! In sharing it, I am hoping this will make me accountable. At least I hope. One thing in my life that I have always struggled with is my weight. Well, not all my life. Once I hit 30 it all went down hill after that. I never had a weight problem because I pretty much was able to eat what I wanted and never went over 140. I was stick thin in my early twenties but I also didn't eat anything. Do I want to live my life like that? Um, no. I like food too much...obviously. I have been on so many fad diets and have joined weight watchers at least 6 times and dropped out. I joined once again but am only using their app. Well, I was up until California. I used to be able to lose 20 lbs in a month without a problem. Well, this age … [Read more...] about #giveit100
Human Hungry Hippos & Big News!
So, I have this little FB page HERE and posted a video of an activity we did after school this week. It reached close to 600K people in a few days....what???? #holycrapballs (excuse my language) at least I didn't use the "s" know "stupid" :o) I work with some fabulous teachers my friends. About once a month we get together to burn off some stress after school. It's always an activity that keeps everyone laughing! Two of our third grade teachers found a video on youtube and said..."What about this?" Yes, please! I was the first one to volunteer my photography & videography services. I was afraid I would hurt myself & I really wanted to sit back the first time to laugh observe. I'm not sure who blew up the balloons or how many we had...we had a lot! On the left is our secretary counting out the steps and marking each spot so we didn't have cheaters. Baskets were from the Dollar Tree and we had the scooters in the gym already. We … [Read more...] about Human Hungry Hippos & Big News!
Castle Block Obsession-Lakeshore Review
When Lakeshore Learning contacted me to do a review, I was hesitant to choose these castle blocks. I thought they were too young for my firsties. Boy......was I wrong!!!! They are obsessed my friends! Immediately, my mind was spinning! How could I use this to bribe award good behavior. You know I am ALL.ABOUT.THAT! I love recognizing positive behavior choices and then the rest of the students naturally follow suit. First, I let the first four students who finished their morning work correctly test them out. This was my way of reeling the others in.....the blocks were my bait. Then I decided they have to earn the time with the castle blocks. I decided that they had to turn in a "No Morning Work" REWARD COUPON to play with them other than indoor recess. Lakeshore Learning is offering my loyal readers a 20% off coupon!!!! Hurry and purchase any nonsale item, including these castle blocks by 3/31/15! … [Read more...] about Castle Block Obsession-Lakeshore Review