This is my 1ST SALE EVER & I'm so excited....for YOU! I have worked my rear off this weekend to load up my TPT store for the sale. I was up till 5 am're welcome :oP I dragged my hubby to Joann Fabrics, he stayed in the car of course, to stock up on laminating sheets to go to town tomorrow on all my new games. Once again, they had 2-20 packs of laminating sheets! Seriously, they are KILLING ME! I talked to the cashier, again, about our situation...meaning me & Joann Fabrics. I did find out that you can go to customer service & order as many as you can pay for & even use coupons! Merry Christmas to me! I wanted to leap over that counter & hug her.! She used to get irritated with me because...picture this.....I would walk up with about 50 coupons in my hand & 50 items in my cart. I will use a 50% off coupon on a candy bar just because I can. Plus I will hand them my teacher discount card for an additional 15% … [Read more...] about More games, freebies, and Cyber Monday deals
So Thankful!
I am linking up with What the Teacher Wants! linky party! Oh my, there are already 125 bloggers linked up! I have been trying to keep up with everyone's thankful posts...I really have BUT I think I have missed a TON few. Stop on by & get to know more about all these bloggers we ALL STALK! 1. What are you thankful for in your classroom? I figured I would kill two birds with one stone with this one. I am ever so thankful for my Smartboard be jealous & my students most of all. What are they doing, you ask?? Have you ever heard of Adventure to Fitness TV? They are pretending to be turkeys right now. It is the COOLEST thing! It's a great way for them to burn off energy on a Friday & follow directions at the same time! The kids were S.T.A.O … [Read more...] about So Thankful!
Candy Land Madness & a FREEBIE!
Mel D has been working her big little behind off creating more Candy Land games. I've had several requests and now have 18 games with one being FREE! I use these games several times a week in Work Work during Daily 5 & also use them during RTI as well. I use the Dolch pre-primer & primer games with my group that is still struggling with sight words. This makes it fun for them & they absolutely love it! It's funny how you make something with a familiar game board and suddenly they are obsessed with learning their sight words. This by far has been my best creation for my little nuggets. This is my nuggets students playing my Nonsense Word Candy Land game. I never realized how hard this concept was until I gave the Dibels test this year. It's our first year & oh my do they need help with this. It's almost as if they freeze when they see the word because they know it's not "real" & they can't spit it out. I bet you just got a nice visual of … [Read more...] about Candy Land Madness & a FREEBIE!
Extra, Extra, Read All About Mel D’s Big News
If you have stopped by in the last few days then you must have noticed my redesign. I have been working with a fabulous graphic artist from Project 3 Designs. Don't you just love the new look!?! The sidebar buttons are under construction until there is more than 24 hours in a day...I'm kidding I will be posting a little each day. In the meantime, if you want to see a blog post on Daily 5 just scroll down to the "labels" and click on Daily 5 & you will see all my blog posts about Daily 5. If you have my button on your sidebar please oh please change it to my NEW beautiful button above. You can find the code on my sidebar -----------> If you didn't have my button on your sidebar Mel D would be uber excited if you put it there. Leave me a comment if you do & I will reciprocate. Check out Project 3 Designs if you are interested in starting a blog or need a new look. She is wonderful to work with and ever so patient. We know how impatient and demanding … [Read more...] about Extra, Extra, Read All About Mel D’s Big News
Do not interrupt me unless you’re on fire!
DO NOT INTERRUPT ME UNLESS YOU'RE ON FIRE! Yes, that has come out of my mouth...I admit it. I was talking to my student teacher today letting her know that I will be sporting this from time to time throughout the day............ It was a toss up between a tiara or a BiG fLuFfY PiNk was a tough decision...should I mess with my hair & possibly get it stuck in my thick Latin mane? Or should I wear that fabulous boa & have feathers fall out all day like I am a chicken?!? I went with the tiara, it's just a natural fit according to my husband. Why would I be wearing a tiara in school you ask? Well, besides the fact that I feel like I was a princess in a former life, it's for my interrupting chicken nuggets I have in my class. We started Dibels this year...oh yay! I can't contain my excitement....GAG! Since I have very active chicken nuggets with MaJoR verbal overflow issues & a SeVeRe problem with interrupting me for no apparent reason I had to come … [Read more...] about Do not interrupt me unless you’re on fire!
Daily 5 Station/Literacy Station Organization Linky Party
So I have a student teacher that started several weeks ago...I know...BE JEALOUS! Since I have started Daily 5 on my own....yes no training just reading the book & excessive blog stalking...I thought I would share what I have come up with. If you have been following me for a while you know that I am O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D with my job & am very OCD about my job. My husband wishes I was so OCD about cleaning around the house but .....NOT.... GONNA.... HAPPEN! Anywho, I thought I would empty some of my closets at school to see what exactly has been lingering on my shelves for 8 years. I know that I have spent an obscene amount of hours cutting, writing, laminating, etc so I knew I had loads of goodies just awaiting me to dust them off & get it organized to use again. This is what I saw when I opened one of my closets.... Oh how I remember drawing those footballs & baseballs by hand & writing each word on them...oh & then when we used to be … [Read more...] about Daily 5 Station/Literacy Station Organization Linky Party